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Bilal Moin

Dahl Scholar at Yale ISPS, Debater, and Writer

Hello! Welcome to a portfolio of things I've made and done. They'll probably come back to haunt me in a few years' time.

Here's a little bit about myself. I'm a researcher, debater, and undergraduate student at Yale University. I am fascinated by questions of socio-economic development and the everchanging state of global affairs. On that account, I serve as President of the Salus Populi Foundation at Yale. Born and raised in Mumbai, I'm also interested in India's role in the emerging world order. My current research priorities are deciphering the political economy of India, devising models of democratic interaction, and mapping dynamic interactions within complex societal systems.


I write on a number of pertinent global issues, capture monochrome photographs, collate a newsletter and dabble in poetry. A collection of my haiku poetry was published as 'The Ideajunkyard' (2018), and my writing appears in Himal Southasian, the Globalist, the Bangalore Review, the Tipton Poetry Journal, Poetic Bond, and the Yale Hippopotamus.  I enjoy espressos, the films of Satyajit Ray, and amateur numismatics. 

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